Moon live ~ CNY – Prosperity Gift Pack 百福臻礼包 (2tin CNY Cookies)

Original price was: RM83.80.Current price is: RM60.00.

* Total 2 tins of CNY Cookies (2 Customer pick item)
此配套总共有2罐年饼 (2罐任选产品)

* Choose 2 tins of CNY Cookies 任选2罐年饼
(Almond Cookies, Cashewnut Cookies, Coconut Crispy Roll, Green Pea Cookies, Carnival Pineapple,
Pineapple Jam Filled Cookies (Pandan), Salted Egg Yolk Cookies, Walnut Cookies, Cranberry Butter Cookies)

* Will get one free Red Prosperity Box 免费一个百福臻礼包.



* 请在18.01.2022之前订购,以确保能够在新年之前或当天收到。
* 此产品是易碎产品,如无法接受瑕疵,请绕路,谢谢
* 无人签收的物件或地址有误所造成的延误递送服务,怒不接受其投诉。
* 如有在以上日期后才下单,包裹将在新年之后才收到。
* 货品经由出售概不退换。



* Please Order before 18.01.2022

to ensure that before the Chinese New Year Festival or received that day.
*This product is fragile if you can’t accept the flaws, please don’t place the order, thank you
* Please ensure that delivery details are provided correctly to avoid any additional transport cost for
redirection delay.
* If order after above date will receive the parcel after Chinese New Year Festival.
* Goods are not returnable or refundable.

祝您:新年快乐, 合家安康。
Wish you a Happy Chinese New Year Festival.


祝您:新年快乐, 合家安康。

Wish you a Happy Chinese New Year Festival.

Weight 2 kg
CNY Cookies 1 年饼选择 1

Almond Cookies 杏仁酥 220005, Pineapple Jam Filled Cookies 班兰凤梨 220048, Coconut Crispy Roll 椰香一口酥 220059, Cashewnut Cookies 吉祥腰果 220008, Walnut Cookies 如意合桃 220028, Cranberry Butter Cookies 优格蔓越莓 220070

CNY Cookies 2 年饼选择 2

Almond Cookies 杏仁酥 220005, Carnival Pineapple Cookies 凤梨酥 220006, Salted Egg Yolk 金玉满堂 220029, Coconut Crispy Roll 椰香一口酥 220059, Green Pea Cookies 招财翡翠 220036, Cashewnut Cookies 吉祥腰果 220008, Walnut Cookies 如意合桃 220028, Pineapple Jam Filled Cookies 班兰凤梨 220048, Cranberry Butter Cookies 优格蔓越莓 220070

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