一直被模仿,从未被超越!荣成金牌蛋黄酥外皮酥脆,内陷湘莲蓉绵密可口,中心嵌入精选咸蛋黄,有画龙点睛直之效,惊为天人,完美搭配,吃在口里绵密交织幸福美味,叫人 回味无穷!
Always been copied, but never been surpassed! Yong Sheng’s Famous Egg Yolk Pies features soft, flaky pastry skin, enfolding a delicately fragrant lotus paste filling which highlights the rich, salted egg yolk centre. This irresistable sweet and salty combination blendes harmoniously to entice your appetite!
* 货品经由出售概不退换。
* Goods are not returnable or refundable.
- 店取请在4天前订购
- 邮寄请在7天前订购
- 订单将在1-3天内处理; 邮寄期限是处理订单后的2-7天; 店取则是处理订单后的4天。(普通产品)
- For Pickup, Please Order 4 days in advance.
- For Delivery, Please Order 7 days in advance.
- Order will be confirmed within 1-3 days; Courier delivery will be taken 2-7 days after confirmed date;Pickup at shop will be taken 4 days after confirmed.(for normal product)* 图片仅供参考。Picture shown is for illustration purpose only.
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