
焦黄酥脆的外表,火候掌握恰到好处,杏仁酥脆可口,脆爽香甜的口感绝对值得你慢慢品尝。早餐点心 旅游小食 居家休闲必备佳品。

Almond Crispy Pie has brown golden crisp exterior and delicious almond aroma. It is definitely worth your time to taste. It is an essential for breakfast, travel and pleasure time.

  • 店取请在4天前订购
  • 邮寄请在7天前订购
  • 订单将在1-3天内处理; 邮寄期限是处理订单后的2-7天; 店取则是处理订单后的4天。(普通产品) 
  • For Pickup, Please Order 4 days in advance. 
  • For Delivery, Please Order 7 days in advance.
  • Order will be confirmed within 1-3 days; Courier delivery will be taken 2-7 days after confirmed date;Pickup at shop will be taken 4 days after confirmed.(for normal product)* 图片仅供参考。Picture shown is for illustration purpose only.

净重:180克 (12片1盒)

Net Weight: 180g (12pcs per box)


Ingredients: Wheat Flour, Sugar, Almond Ground, Sesame, Salt, Vegetable Oil (Palm Oil, Peanut Oil, Sesame Oil), Margarine

保存方法:请存放于阴凉干爽处, 切勿使用袋内脱氧剂和使之远离儿童可接触范围内​。

Preservation Method: Please keep in a cool dry place. Do not eat the oxygen absorber packet and keep it out of children’s reach.

Return Policy: We are committed to bringing you the best quality and taste.

If you encounter any mistake issues, eg. wrong item, wrong quantity, & so on, please feedback to us. Besides, before place order,

If there is any further information you require, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Goods sold are not returnable, not exchangeable and not refundable.

Thank you very much and welcome to visit us again.

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